Having skunks in your yard is not pleasant. They dig holes everywhere, they leave their droppings everywhere, they destroy the lawn and garden, and they stink.

Skunks are nocturnal critters, so finding one out during the day is a rare thing. For you to see a skunk, you would have to stay up till night time when they come out to feed and dispose of waste.

Finding a dead skunk, however, is an entirely different case. It is an irritating, putrid, and disturbing sight to behold. There are different ways in which a dead skunk can end up on your property. Skunks can die from food poisoning, injuries, or starvation when trapped for a long time. Skunks do not typically die outside of their safe zone. They often return to the area where their den is located. A skunk's death is not something that you can control, but if you ever find a dead skunk on your land, the first thing to do is dispose of the carcass. You may not always be able to find a dead skunk, especially if your property has many bushes. If you suspect there to be a dead skunk, there are steps you must take to find and remove it. You need to wear long-sleeved clothing, goggles, a pair of thick gloves, and a functional breathing mask. These will prevent you from contracting any disease that the carcass and other parasites may transmit.

Below is a detailed look at how to find and remove a dead skunk from your property.
· Let the Odor Guide You

It all starts with the odor that the carcass emits. Once you begin to perceive the putrid odor, it is important to quickly locate the source and properly dispose of it. The odor is particularly pungent because, after death, the liquid in its anal gland slowly escapes.

If you do not act quickly, other wild animals will become attracted to the smell of rotten flesh. Your yard will quickly become their dinner table.

If you sight the carcass, you can skip to bagging and disposing of. If not, then let the odor guide you to the area where it might be.
· Finding the Carcass Once you find the area where the stench is strongest, begin to search around the area. Search the bushes, furniture, deck, porch, or shed. Wherever the skunk can hide, search it.

Skunks are land mammals, so your search should be strictly ground-based.
· Placing the Dead Skunk in a Bag When you find the skunk, carefully place it inside a thick plastic bag, tie the bag and then place it inside another thick garbage bag. If you do not have any thick garbage bags, you can use a sealed plastic container.

You must handle the carcass with care to avoid breaking it apart, which will only increase the workload.
· Disposing of the Carcass

You can either bury the carcass or leave it in the garbage where the garbage disposal men will take it away. The best option, however, is to burn the carcass. By burning it, you kill all parasites living on it. This reduces the risk of any possible health issues.
· Cleaning Up Once you have successfully bagged and disposed of the carcass, the next thing to do is clean up. You can opt for taking a bath, or you can simply wash your hands. The next step involves decontaminating goggles, masks, and clothing. You should also dispose of the gloves worn in a waste bin. By decontaminating yourself, you limit the chance of spreading parasites that could cause serious health issues.

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